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 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH

2023 Articles

How to get PSO License in Bangladesh and PSP License

PSO License in Bangladesh Payment systems act as a catalyst to promote financial stability and financial inclusion. The safety and security of these systems is a primary goal of BANGLADESH BANK. As digital payment mechanisms become more popular, it is critical to...

How to register Online News Portal in Bangladesh – Online News Portal Registration

Online News Portal registration To register a news website in Bangladesh, follow the steps outlined below. Choose a name for your news portal and confirm that it is registrable. Visit the Ministry of Information of Bangladesh's website at www.moi.gov.bd to obtain the...

BIDA Registration for Foreign Investment Project

BIDA Registration for Foreign Investment Project in 2023 According to the BIDA Act of 2016, all industrial investors (those outside the jurisdiction of BEZA, BEPZA, BHTPA, and BSCIC) are required to register their investments with BIDA. Registration with BIDA is not...

Power of Attorney guidelines for foreign individuals in Bangladesh

Power of attorney guidelines for non-Bangladesh nationals The purpose of this article is to provide a comprehensive overview of the laws pertaining to Power of Attorney in Bangladesh and to outline the key considerations when drafting a Power of Attorney. Definition:...

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