Tahmidur Remura Wahid logo 2025_Best Corporate law firm in Bangladesh

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Global Law Firm in Bangladesh.


Dhaka:  House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS
 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH

Healthcare, Life Sciences & Chemicals

Our industry-specific approach guarantees that our attorneys are well-versed in the regulatory and business aspects of the healthcare, life sciences, and chemical sectors.

As a component of the company’s worldwide matrix, the worldwide Healthcare, Life Sciences & Chemicals sector team concentrates on both the relevant practice areas and particular subsectors in order to pool our skills and knowledge for the benefit of our customers.


The conventional lines between the health care and life sciences sectors are being blurred by innovation. With our wealth of industry knowledge, unique market research, data, and insights, we have a thorough grasp of the possibilities and difficulties presented by the evolving health care environment.

We are in a position to support you in growing your company not only because we comprehend difficult issues but also because we possess the knowledge, resources, and interdisciplinary solutions to address them. We are able to assist you in navigating the industry’s change as exponential innovation drives health care into the future thanks to our deep grasp of health equality, digital transformation, and our vision of the Future of TRW.



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Our Partner leading the MD’s and Boards of all 64 Banks in Bangladesh to reform relevant policies alongside central Bank

Below is the Facebook Post from our partner’s profile.

Our Partners meeting with UK’s Minister for Business & Innovation

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