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 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
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Arbitration in Bangladesh Webinar

Upcoming “Arbitration in Bangladesh Webinar” organized by SARCO to be held on 20th of June, 2023

The SAARC Arbitration Council (SARCO) has organized a Webinar titled: “Arbitration in Bangladesh: Navigating the Legal Landscape and key institutional developments” to be held on the 20th of June 2023, 3.00 – 3.30 pm (Bangladesh Time) to provide a holistic overview of the legal and institutional developments relating to Arbitration in Bangladesh.

We are pleased to announce that our esteemed Name Partner of TRW law firm, Barrister Remura Mahbub has been invited as an honourable guest speaker in the upcoming Webinar.

Arbitration In Bangladesh Webinar Law Firm In Dhaka Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid
Arbitration In Bangladesh Webinar 2

The webinar shall cover wide-ranging issues on the applicability, preferability, development of the arbitration laws and institutional developments in Bangladesh focusing on the legal frameworks and the role of ADR and its practicability in effectively resolving commercial disputes, and the development and applicability of ADRs in recent years to promote arbitration in the country from the panel of experts in the Webinar.

The Webinar is open to the public and designed for legal professionals, arbitrators, academics, students, and anyone interested in the field of arbitration in Bangladesh.

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