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 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH

Factory Establishment Licenses in Bangladesh

How to get a Factory Establishment Licenses in Bangladesh

This guideline describes the process of getting factory and establishment license in Bangladesh, including the paperwork required to comply with the Factories Act and Rules. All industries and businesses in Bangladesh must register with the government, and getting a Factory Establishment License is necessary. The Department of Inspection for Factories and Establishments (DIFE), the governing body, which operates out of district headquarters, is in charge of overseeing factory building, establishment, and expansion, as well as license issuing and renewal.

To streamline the application process, the government has introduced the Labor Inspection Management Application (LIMA) portal, an online platform facilitating the submission and monitoring of license applications. The steps for obtaining a Factory Establishment License online are detailed below:

  • Visit the Labour Inspection Management Application Website.
  • Navigate to “Forms” in the top menu and select “Form 77” (License Application).
  • Create a User ID and Password.
  • Auto Login/Login to the LIMA Portal using the new User ID and Password.
  • Complete the application form by providing necessary information.
  • Attach the required supporting documents.
  • Save the draft or finalize the application.
  • Submit the application.
  • The DIFE Licensing Authority reviews the application.
  • Depending on the industry type, the application is sent to the relevant authorities (DIG/IG).
  • DIG/IG reviews the application and provides comments.
  • If necessary, a factory/establishment inspection is conducted, and an assessment report is generated.
  • After verification and assessment, if the Licensing Authority/DIG is satisfied, the factory license is issued.
  • Obtain the Factory License.

Applicants can track the status of their applications by signing into their user accounts. Once approved, the applicant receives an email message. Factory licenses must be renewed by paying the scheduled renewal fee by December 31st of each year. If an application is rejected, the applicant has the right to file an appeal with the government within thirty days.

How We Can Help You Get Factory Establishment Licenses:

Factory Establishment Licenses in Bangladesh

‣ Our skilled team at TRW Law Firm begins the application process by creating an account on the LIMA web platform.

We help acquire supporting paperwork for factories and establishments, including NOC, Trade License, and Incorporation Certificate.

Our legal specialists assist with drafting, collecting, and producing supporting documents, as well as managing government fee payments to the appropriate body.

‣ Throughout the application process, our team checks the status and responds to any extra documentation requested by the Licensing Authority.

This comprehensive support guarantees that the process of obtaining Factory Establishment Licenses runs smoothly and in compliance.

For further information, visit the following links:


Media Details:
Company: Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid Law Firm
Contact Person: Tahmidur Rahman
Phone Number: +8801847220062 & +8801779127165

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