Browse Free Articles from arguably the Best Corporate Law Firm in Bangladesh.
হেবা দলিল কি এবং কিভাবে করবেন ২০২৩ এ
মুসলিম আইনে উইল সংক্রান্ত বিষয় উইল বা অছিয়ত: মুসলিম আইনে উইলকে অছিয়ত বলা হয়েছে । উইলের আরবী প্রতিশব্দ ওয়াসিয়াত | এর অর্থ ভার অর্পণ, নিদেশ, উপদেশ মিলানো বা কোন জিনিস অন্যদের পযন্ত পৌছানো পবিত্র...
How to start a Feed Mill in Bangladesh
Feed Mill in Bangladesh Bangladesh is a densely populated nation with 182 million inhabitants and an annual growth rate of 1.1%. The natives face a formidable challenge in satisfying the...
Legal Guardianship in Bangladesh
Legal Guardianship in Bangladesh and Adoption Process Adoption and legal guardianship are two ways through which a child can be taken into care by someone other than their biological parents. These...
Manpower license in Bangladesh
Obtaining a manpower license in Bangladesh is a necessary step for companies that wish to recruit and deploy workers abroad. The license is issued by the Bureau of Manpower, Employment, and Training...
Corruption laws in Bangladesh
Corruption laws in Bangladesh and Anti-Bribery Laws Corruption has always been a major concern for Bangladesh, as it has a direct impact on the country's economy and development. Bangladesh has...
Leasing business in Bangladesh
Leasing Business in Bangladesh and Corporate Finance law A leasing business model involves a company purchasing a product and then leasing it to a customer for a periodic fee. The seller transfers...
চেক ডিজঅনারের মামলা
ব্যাংক হিসাবের চেক দ্বারা প্রতারণা বা চেক ডিজঅনারের মামলা একজন ব্যক্তি অন্য কোন ব্যক্তি বা প্রতিষ্ঠান থেকে বিভিন্নভাবে প্রতারিত হতে পারে। তার মধ্যে একটি হচ্ছে চেক প্রতারণা। চেক একটি...
Medical Negligence and Medical Malpractice law in Bangladesh
Medical Negligence law in Bangladesh In Bangladesh, medical negligence has become a popular topic of interest and discussion. However, there is currently no precise and comprehensive legislation to...
Private Equity law in Bangladesh
Private equity (PE) refers to the investment of capital into private companies that are not publicly traded on stock exchanges. The private equity industry in Bangladesh is still in its early stages...
Engineering and Project Management Consultancy in Bangladesh
Project Management Consultancy law firm and EPMC company in Bangladesh Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid (TRW) is a well-established law firm and one of the leading Engineering and Project Management...
Affidavit in Bangladesh and the execution
Affidavit in Bangladesh in its execution in 2023 An affidavit is a written statement that is sworn or affirmed to be true. In Bangladesh, an affidavit is a legal document that can be used in a...
Sales and Purchase Agreement in Bangladesh
SPA agreement in Bangladesh What is the meaning of a Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA)? A Sales and Purchase Agreement (SPA agreement in Bangladesh) is a legal contract between a property buyer and...
Start up law in Bangladesh and Funding stages
Start up law in Bangladesh and what exactly is a start up? A startup is a company in its early stages of development. It is founded by one or more entrepreneurs in order to meet a specific need for...
How to get justice against physical torture in Bangladesh
Physical torture in Bangladesh ( Assault and threats) In Bangladesh, assault and threats charges are governed by the Penal Code, which defines various offenses related to violence and threats of...
How to oppose a suit lodged by a bank in Bangladesh
How to oppose a suit lodged by a bank in Bangladesh If you have been served with a lawsuit from a bank in Bangladesh, you will need to respond to the lawsuit in order to present your side of the...
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Bangladesh
Alternative Dispute Resolution in Bangladesh and what exactly is ADR? The term "alternative dispute resolution" or "ADR" is frequently used to refer to a wide range of dispute resolution mechanisms...
How to send a legal notice in Bangladesh
Sending a legal notice in Bangladesh is a formal way to initiate a legal process and can be an important step in resolving a dispute. At common law, notice is the fundamental principle in...
Best lawyers in Bangladesh
Best Lawyers in Bangladesh in 2023 Bangladesh is home to a thriving legal profession, with many talented and dedicated lawyers working to serve the needs of clients across the country. In this...