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How to get BGMEA Membership in Bangladesh

BGMEA Membership in Bangladesh

The Bangladesh Garment Manufacturers and Exporters Association (BGMEA) stands as a cornerstone of the country’s textile and garment industry, representing the interests of manufacturers and exporters. Membership in BGMEA is highly sought after by businesses looking to establish themselves in the textile sector, offering a plethora of benefits and opportunities. In this comprehensive guide, TRW Law Firm delves into the requirements and process for obtaining provisional and permanent membership with BGMEA, providing invaluable insights for textile entrepreneurs in Bangladesh.

Provisional Membership Requirements:

To initiate the process of obtaining provisional membership with BGMEA, businesses must submit a series of documents and fulfill specific criteria. The following documents are required for provisional membership:

  1. Application on company letterhead addressed to the Secretary General, BGMEA.
  2. Duly filled Prescribed Membership Form of BGMEA.
  3. Registration of DOT (Department of Textile) or BOI (Board of Investment).
  4. Specimen Signature of Board of Directors/Managing Partners/Proprietor with two copies of photographs, attested by a Lien Bank.
  5. Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association & Incorporation Certificate.
  6. Copy of National ID/Passport for Board of Directors/Managing Partners/Proprietor.
  7. Copy of up-to-date Trade License.
  8. Copy of L/C of Machinery/Commercial Invoice, Bill of Lading & Bill of Entry.
  9. List of Machineries on Company letterhead.
  10. Copy of Fire License.
  11. Copy of TIN Certificate.
  12. Copy of Deed Agreement with Land Owner/land ownership documents.
  13. Copy of Soil Test Report & details of issuing company.
  14. Copy of Approved Building Plan (Architectural Design).
  15. Copy of Structural Design signed by an IEB registered Engineer.
  16. Completion certificate provided by an IEB registered Engineer.
  17. Factory Layout Plan.
  18. Membership fee payable to BGMEA as per declaration.

Permanent Membership Requirements:

Businesses seeking permanent membership with BGMEA must meet additional requirements and submit specific documents. The following documents are required for permanent membership:

  1. Application on company letterhead addressed to the Secretary General, BGMEA.
  2. Copy of VAT registration Certificate.
  3. Copy of ERC (Export Registration Certificate).
  4. Copy of IRC (Import Registration Certificate).
  5. Worker Group Insurance Certificate (Provided by BGMEA).
  6. Workers Biometric database certificate (Provided by BGMEA).

Application Process:

Once all requisite documents are gathered, businesses can proceed with the application process for BGMEA membership. Applications should be submitted to the Secretary General, BGMEA, along with the necessary fees and supporting documentation. Upon receipt, BGMEA conducts a thorough review of the application, including verification of documents and compliance with membership criteria.

Membership in BGMEA opens doors to a host of benefits and opportunities for businesses operating in Bangladesh’s textile and garment industry. By understanding the requirements and process outlined by BGMEA for provisional and permanent membership, textile entrepreneurs can navigate the application process with confidence and position themselves for success in this dynamic sector. With TRW Law Firm’s expert legal guidance and support, businesses can streamline the membership process and embark on their journey towards industry excellence and growth.

How to get BGMEA Membership in Bangladesh
→ Application on company letter head to Secretary General, BGMEA for Provisional Membership
→ Duly filled up Prescribed Membership Form of BGMEA
→ Registration of DOT (Department of Textile) / BOI (Board of Investment)
→ Specimen Signature of Board of Directors /Managing Partners/ Proprietor with 2 Copy Photographs of each attested by Lien Bank
→ Copy of Memorandum & Articles of Association & Incorporation Certificate
→ Copy of National ID / Passport (Board of Directors / Managing Partners/ Proprietor
→ Copy of up to date Trade License
→ Copy of L/C of Machinery/ Commercial Invoice, Bill of Lading & Bill of entry
→ List of Machineries (On Company letter head)
→ Copy of Fire License
→ Copy of TIN Certificate
→ Copy of Deed Agreement with Land Owner/land ownership documents
→ Copy of Soil Test Report & details of issuing company
→ Copy of Approved Building Plan. (Architectural Design)
→ Copy of Structural Design signed by IEB registered Engineer
→ Completion certificate provided by IEB registered Engineer
→ Factory Lay-Out Plan
→ Membership fee pay to BGMEA as per declaration:

a) Machine: 52 – 100=Tk. 40,500/-
b) Machine: 101 – 200=Tk. 42,500/-
c) Machine: 200 above =Tk. 47,500/-

→ Application on company letter head to Secretary General, BGMEA for Permanent Membership
→ Copy of VAT registration Certificate
→ Copy of ERC
→ Copy of IRC
→ Worker Group Insurance Certificate. (Provided by BGMEA)
→ Workers BIO Metric database certificate. (Provided by BGMEA)

For further information, visit the following links:


Media Details:Company: Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid Law Firm

Contact Person: Tahmidur Rahman



Phone Number: +8801847220062 & +8801779127165

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