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How to register a Trademark in Bangladesh

How to register a Trademark in Bangladesh in 2025

Registering a trademark is a vital step for businesses and individuals looking to protect their brand identity in Bangladesh. Trademark registration provides legal protection and ensures that a brand remains unique in the marketplace. In Bangladesh, the process is governed by the Trade Marks Act, 2009, and the Trade Marks Rules, 1963, and is managed by the Department of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (DPDT). This guide outlines the step-by-step process, requirements, and associated legal frameworks for trademark registration in Bangladesh.

What Is a Trademark?

A trademark is a unique symbol, word, phrase, design, or combination thereof that distinguishes the goods or services of one business from another. Trademarks can include:

🔵 Words or phrases.
🔵 Logos or symbols.
🔵 Colors or sounds (in specific cases).
🔵 Packaging styles and more.

Service marks, which apply to services rather than goods, can also be registered in Bangladesh under the International Nice Classification of Services.

Step-by-Step Process for Trademark Registration

Step 1: Conduct a Trademark Search

Conducting a search is not mandatory but highly recommended. This step ensures that your trademark does not conflict with existing trademarks. Searches can be performed at the DPDT, typically taking 2-3 working days.

Step 2: Prepare a Power of Attorney (If Applicable)

Foreign applicants or entities must authorize a Bangladeshi representative or lawyer to file the application on their behalf through a Power of Attorney.

Step 3: File an Application for Trademark Registration

An application must be filed with the Trademark Registry Wing of the DPDT. The required documents and information include:

🔵 A clear representation of the mark/logo/device.
🔵 Name, address, and nationality of the applicant.
🔵 If the applicant is a firm, the name and position of the signatory.
🔵 Status of the applicant (manufacturer, merchandiser, service provider).
🔵 Specification of goods/services and class under the Nice Classification.
🔵 User date of the mark (if already in use in Bangladesh).
🔵 Applicable government fees (BDT 3,500 or approximately USD 42).

Applications can be filed at the DPDT Head Office or its territorial branches.

Step 4: Acknowledgment of Application

Upon submission, the Registrar issues an acknowledgment receipt containing the application number, filing date, and details of the trademark.

Step 5: Examination of Application

The DPDT examines the trademark for uniqueness and conflicts with existing registrations. If satisfactory, a Letter of Acceptance is issued, moving the application to the next stage. In case of objections, the Registrar issues a show-cause notice, and the applicant must respond within three months or request a hearing.

Step 6: Publication in the Trademark Journal

Accepted trademarks are published in the DPDT’s Trademark Journal. The publication invites objections, if any, from the public within two months.

Step 7: Handling Oppositions

Any opposition to the trademark must be submitted using Form TM-5 with a fee of BDT 2,000. The applicant must counter the opposition within two months with a Counter-Statement (fee: BDT 1,500). If unresolved, the matter can be appealed to the High Court.

Step 8: Registration

If no objections are raised or oppositions are resolved, the applicant pays the certification fee. The Registrar then issues a Certificate of Registration. The trademark is valid for seven years from the filing date.

Step 9: Renewal of Trademark Registration

Trademarks can be renewed indefinitely in ten-year increments. Renewal fees should be paid within six months before expiration. Late renewal is possible with additional fees up to four months after expiration.

Special Provisions for Assignments and Licensing

Assignment of Trademarks

The registered proprietor can assign the trademark with or without the goodwill of the business. An application for assignment must be filed with proof of title.

Licensing of Trademarks

Licenses must be recorded with the DPDT to be effective. The licensor or licensee should apply to the Registrar with the appropriate documents.

Legal Remedies for Trademark Infringement

Trademark infringement occurs when an unauthorized party uses a registered trademark. Remedies include:

🔵 Civil Proceedings: Filing a suit in the District Court for injunctions, damages, and account of profits.
🔵 Criminal Proceedings: Initiating cases in Metropolitan Magistrate Courts or 1st Class Judicial Magistrate Courts for penalties and fines.

Why Choose TRW Law Firm for Trademark Registration?

TRW Law Firm specializes in trademark registration and related legal services. Our experienced lawyers provide end-to-end assistance, ensuring compliance with all legal requirements and efficient processing. Our services include:

🔵 Trademark search and application filing.
🔵 Representation during opposition hearings.
🔵 Assistance with renewals, assignments, and licensing.
🔵 Legal advice on infringement issues and dispute resolution.

Contact Information

Phone: +8801708000660 | +8801847220062 | +8801708080817
Email: info@trfirm.com | info@trwbd.com | info@tahmidur.com
Global Locations:

  • Dhaka: House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS
  • Dubai: Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road

Table: Trademark Registration Overview

StepDescriptionFee (BDT)
Trademark SearchConduct a search to check for conflicts (optional).N/A
Power of AttorneyAuthorization for foreign applicants.Varies
Application FilingSubmit documents and pay fees.3,500
ExaminationDPDT examines for conflicts.N/A
PublicationPublished in the DPDT’s Trademark Journal for public objections.Journal Fee Applies
Opposition HandlingOpposition and Counter-Statement fees.2,000 / 1,500
RegistrationCertification fee for successful applications.Certification Fee
RenewalRenew every 10 years to maintain trademark validity.Renewal Fee

For professional assistance, reach out to TRW Law Firm to safeguard your intellectual property today!

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