Tahmidur Remura Wahid logo 2025_Best Corporate law firm in Bangladesh

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Global Law Firm in Bangladesh.


Dhaka:  House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS
 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH

2023 Articles

Function of Family Court in Bangladesh

Function of Family Court in Bangladesh: Functions and Jurisdiction of the Family Court in Bangladesh The primary goal of the Family Court is to facilitate the timely and successful resolution of family law issues. However, as with any other system, certain...

Punishment for Abortion in Bangladesh

Punishment for Abortion in Bangladesh: What is the punishment for abortion? How does one seek sanctuary in the law? A victim of an unlawful abortion or unique crime has two options for filing a case. Such cases can be filed in either the courtroom or the police...

Withdrawal of Civil and Criminal cases in Bangladesh

Withdrawal of Civil and Criminal cases in Bangladesh Can a lawsuit or case be withdrawn after it has been filed? (Civil and Criminal) Criminal cases: Criminal cases are often classified into two types: I) CR and II) GR. GR cases are normally reported to the police....

Shark Tank Bangladesh: The legality and everything you need to know

Shark Tank Bangladesh Shark Tank in Bangladesh is a television show that need no introduction. We've all witnessed the business negotiations between the Sharks and their pitchers. These negotiations are simple to understand for someone with a commerce background or...
হেবা কি,হেবা কিভাবে করবেন এবং হেবা সম্পর্কিত প্রযোজনীয় তথ্য সমূহ ২০২৩ এ

হেবা কি,হেবা কিভাবে করবেন এবং হেবা সম্পর্কিত প্রযোজনীয় তথ্য সমূহ ২০২৩ এ

হেবা কি ,কিভাবে করবেন এবং হেবা সম্পর্কিত প্রযোজনীয় তথ্য সমূহ— নিম্ন উক্ত বিষয় গুলো নিয়ে আমরা আজকে আলোচনা করবো—...

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