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Global Law Firm in Bangladesh.


Dhaka:  House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS
 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH

Factory Layout Plan from DIFE

Factory Layout Plan from DIFE in 2024

TRW Law Firm will help you to develop a factory layout drawing for new and existing factory buildings and getting the necessary licensing for your factory. With approval, we facilitate factory license renewal within 10-15 days of agreement.

Factory Layout Plan from DIFE, Including Document List.

  • Master layout plan, site plan, and location map.
  • Front Elevation
  • Back Elevation Section/Cross Section (x-x or y-y) Machine with layout plan
  • Dore Window Schedule Generator and sub-station locations indicate Production Flow Chart.
  • Child care and day care locations indicate separate toilets for males and females. Canteen locations indicate emergency situations. Stairs and exits indicate a minimum of one emergency exit and the necessary paperwork for layout approval.
  • Update the factory’s trade license and obtain a copy of the rental agreement or land mutation (if applicable).
  • Please provide the applicant’s NID and a soil test report (if applicable).
  • Update fire license copy with approval design from local authority (if possible).

➨ In case of factories/mills

What are the required documents to get a Factory Layout Plan from DIFE In case of factories/mills in Bangladesh. Here are the list of documents-

 For Approving the Factory Lay-out Plan Filled form no. 76 

✓ Required Documents with Form no. 76

⇨ Trade License copy

⇨ Rent Agreements/ Copy of land rejection

⇨ Copy of NID of owner/MD/CEO/director

⇨ Soil test report

⇨ Structural design/drawing prepared by a renowned engineer or engineering consulting firm

⇨ Load bearing capacity certificate provided by a renowned engineer or engineering consulting firm

⇨ Building construction certificate provided by a renowned engineer or engineering consulting firm

⇨ Building design certificate approved by local authority (City Corporation)

 Full Filled Form no. 77

✓ License Fee through Treasury Challan

✓ Required Documents with Form no. 77

⇨ Trade License copy

⇨ Rent Agreements/ Copy of land rejection

⇨ Copy of NID of owner/MD/CEO/director

⇨ Electricity demand note

⇨ Memorandum of article [Not mandatory]

⇨ Copy of approved factory layout plan

⇨ Local authority (City Corporation) approved

⇨ Building design copy of the factory & letter of approval and layout plan

⇨ Main copy of treasury challan

⇨ List of employees/workers of the factory

⇨ Fire license copy

➨ In case of establishment

 Full Filled Form no. 77

✓ License fee through Treasury Challan

✓ Required Documents to be Submitted with Form no. 77

⇨ Trade License copy

⇨ Rent Agreements/ Copy of land rejection

⇨ Copy of NID of owner/MD/CEO/director

⇨ Power demand note⇨ Memorandum of article [Not mandatory]

⇨ Copy of approved factory layout plan

⇨ Local authority (City Corporation) approved building design copy of the factory & letter of approval and layout plan

⇨ Main copy of treasury challan⇨ List of employees/workers of the factory⇨ Fire license copy

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