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 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH

Browse Free Articles from arguably the Best Corporate Law Firm in Bangladesh.

Pre-emption in land law of Bangladesh

Pre-emption in land law of Bangladesh

Pre-emption is a prior right of a co-sharer of a parcel of land by purchase or inheritance, the owner of adjacent property, or a land's neighbor. When a piece of land is sold to a third party...

Arbitration in Bangladesh

Arbitration in Bangladesh

Arbitration In BangladeshBarrister Remura Mahbub Director, Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid TRW, Law Firm in Bangladesh15 Oct 2023 [lwptoc]This article will aim to encapsulate all the information you...

Witness Protection laws in Bangladesh

Witness Protection laws in Bangladesh

Witness Protection laws: A witness is someone who has direct or indirect knowledge of the commission of an event, while a victim is someone who has suffered physically, mentally, psychologically, or...



People frequently state, "I am too young to prepare a Will" or "I have nothing to leave behind." Traditionally, young adults have not prioritized the creation of a will. This is altering; in 2021,...

Capital Market in Bangladesh in 2023

Capital Market in Bangladesh in 2023

Capital Market mostly refers to the country's stock and share market. When the banking system cannot fully satisfy the market economy's need for funds, the capital market steps in to complement it....

Tax rate in Bangladesh in 2023

Tax rate in Bangladesh in 2023

Tax rate in Bangladesh in 2023: In Bangladesh, Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid TRW Associates has a large practice and experience in tax and VAT related services. Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid TRW...

How to setup Offshore company from Bangladesh

How to setup Offshore company from Bangladesh

Definitive guide on offshore business formation in Bangladesh:Tahmidur Rahman Remura Wahid TRW Consultants has supported numerous clients in establishing offshore companies around the globe...

Software business in Bangladesh

Software business in Bangladesh

ICT industry and Software business in Bangladesh The ICT industry can be divided into two broad areas, namely IT and ITES. IT services include two types of services: • Application Services...

Garments Business in Bangladesh

Garments Business in Bangladesh

LICENSING PROCESS for Garments Business in Bangladesh: Generally, establishing a garment factory or Garments Business in Bangladesh begins with registering a business with the Registrar of Joint...

Fisheries business in Bangladesh in 2023

Fisheries business in Bangladesh in 2023

Fish is one of the essential sources of protein for all people in the globe, regardless of their economic status. According to the Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, around 820...

Restaurant Business registration in Bangladesh

Restaurant Business registration in Bangladesh

PROCESS OF REGISTRATION AND LICENSING  There are numerous investment opportunities in the restaurant sector, including sole proprietorship, partnership, and private limited liability company....

Energy company incorporation in bangladesh in 2023

Energy company incorporation in bangladesh in 2023

Energy company incorporation in bangladesh Incorporation of energy companies in Bangladesh:Bangladesh's energy sector is overseen by the Ministry of Power, Energy, and Mineral Resources. The Energy...

Electronics company formation in Bangladesh in 2023

Electronics company formation in Bangladesh in 2023

Electronics company formation in Bangladesh: This document discusses how to incorporate or register a business in Bangladesh. In accordance with the Companies Legislation of 1994, business...

Hotel and Tourism Business in Bangladesh

Hotel and Tourism Business in Bangladesh

Hotel and Tourism Business in Bangladesh In recent years, the hotel industry has been at the center of Bangladesh's economic growth, providing 9.3% of the country's overall GDP. As a result of the...

কিভাবে বাংলাদেশে কোম্পানি রেজিস্ট্রেশন করবেন ২০২৫ সালে?

কিভাবে বাংলাদেশে কোম্পানি রেজিস্ট্রেশন করবেন ? প্রতিটি গুরুত্বপূর্ণ ধাপ জেনে নিন: জটিল আইনি বিধি-বিধান এবং যথাযথ দলিলপত্র নির্ধারিত পদ্ধতিতে উপস্থাপনের কারণে বাংলাদেশে কোন কোম্পানি নিবন্ধিত করাটা কিছুটা কষ্টসাধ্য। কিন্তু এই জটিল প্রক্রিয়াকে সহজতর করার জন্য...

Arbitration Miscellaneous Cases

Arbitration Miscellaneous Cases in District Court Litigation in Bangladesh Arbitration has gained significant traction in Bangladesh as an alternative dispute resolution (ADR) mechanism, especially in commercial and contractual matters. However, arbitration-related...

Money Suit Cases in Bangladesh

Money Suit Cases in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Guide Money suit cases are a critical part of civil litigation in Bangladesh, primarily aimed at recovering outstanding debts, enforcing financial obligations, and addressing contractual disputes. These cases are...

Loan Recovery Cases in Bangladesh

Loan Recovery Cases Loan recovery is a significant challenge in Bangladesh, especially for banks, non-banking financial institutions (NBFIs), and private lenders. While alternative dispute resolution mechanisms such as arbitration and mediation exist, litigation in...

Theft Law in Bangladesh

Theft is a criminal offense that is prevalent across societies, including Bangladesh. Governed by a robust legal framework, theft laws in Bangladesh are designed to protect property and ensure justice for victims. This article delves into the nuances of theft law in...

Real Estate Business in Bangladesh

How to Start a Real Estate Business in Bangladesh The real estate industry in Bangladesh has been one of the country's fastest-growing sectors, fueled by urbanization, population growth, and increasing demand for housing and commercial properties. Starting a real...

Criminal Petition Cases in District Court Litigation in Bangladesh

Criminal Petition Cases in District Court Litigation in Bangladesh Criminal petition cases form a significant part of district court litigation in Bangladesh, offering a mechanism for addressing procedural and substantive issues in criminal law. These petitions serve...

Criminal Bail in District Court Litigation

Criminal Bail in District Court Litigation in Bangladesh Bail is a fundamental legal right that protects an accused person’s liberty while ensuring their presence during trial proceedings. In Bangladesh, district courts play a pivotal role in granting or rejecting...

561A Quashment Proceedings in High Court in Bangladesh

561A Quashment Proceedings in High Court in Bangladesh Section 561A of the Code of Criminal Procedure, 1898 (CrPC) provides the High Court Division of the Supreme Court of Bangladesh with inherent powers to quash criminal proceedings. These powers are crucial for...

Anticipatory Bail in High Court Litigation in Bangladesh

Anticipatory Bail in High Court Litigation in Bangladesh Anticipatory bail is a critical legal remedy in Bangladesh, safeguarding individuals from arrest and detention in cases where apprehension of false or frivolous accusations exists. Under the jurisdiction of the...

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