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BD Law Articles

Admission in Evidence Act of Bangladesh

What is the Admission in Evidence Act? Admissions are defined in Sections 17 to 31 of the Bangladeshi  Evidence Act, 1872. General admittance is the subject of Sections 17 to 23, while confession is the subject of Sections 24 to 31. A confession is a valid and...

Setting Up a Tea Estate in Bangladesh

Setting Up a Tea Estate in Bangladesh: A Comprehensive Guide by TRW Law Firm Bangladesh, with its favorable climate and fertile land, is one of the world's key tea-producing countries. The country's tea estates, primarily located in the Sylhet and Chittagong regions,...

Arrest Warrants Issued by Pure Food Courts in Bangladesh

Arrest Warrants Issued by Pure Food Courts and Jurisdiction of DSCC Courts in Bangladesh Food safety is a critical concern in Bangladesh due to widespread food adulteration affecting consumer health. Recognizing this, the government has implemented robust legal...

Suspense Account in Bangladesh

A Suspense Account in Bangladesh: What Is It? Examples, Types, and How It Operates Depending on the context, "suspense account" might mean a number of various things. A suspense account is a component of a company's financial accounts that, in the business sector, is...
চেক ডিজঅনার মামলার নতুন নিয়ম ২০২8

চেক ডিজঅনার মামলার নতুন নিয়ম ২০২8

চেক ডিজঅনার মামলার নতুন নিয়ম হস্তান্তরযোগ্য দলিল আইন, ১৮৮১ এর চেক ডিজঅনার মামলা নিয়ে জটিল বিষয়গুলো ছোট ছোট আলোচনার...

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