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Global Law Firm in Bangladesh.


Dhaka:  House 410, Road 29, Mohakhali DOHS
 Rolex Building, L-12 Sheikh Zayed Road
330 High Holborn, London, WC1V 7QH

Trade Mark Laws and Regulations Bangladesh

Trade Mark Laws and Regulations Bangladesh in 2025 1. Relevant Authorities and Legislation 1.1 What is the relevant trade mark authority in Bangladesh? The Department of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (DPDT) under the Ministry of Industries is the primary authority...

Real Estate Business in Bangladesh

How to Start a Real Estate Business in Bangladesh The real estate industry in Bangladesh has been one of the country's fastest-growing sectors, fueled by urbanization, population growth, and increasing demand for housing and commercial properties. Starting a real...

Admiralty, Maritime, and Casualty Claims

Admiralty, Maritime, and Casualty Claims in High Court Litigation in Bangladesh Bangladesh, as a maritime nation with extensive trade and shipping activities, frequently encounters admiralty and maritime disputes requiring judicial intervention. The High Court...

Admiralty Court Act in Bangladesh

Admiralty Court Act in Bangladesh: TRW law firm in Bangladesh  The Admiralty Court Act of 2000 is the primary legislation that authorizes the court to hear cases concerning admiralty matters, which are primarily concerned with the possession of ships and matters...

LC Payment and Commercial Dispute Resolution

LC Payment and Commercial Dispute Resolution: Expertise in International Trade Law Introduction In the dynamic and complex domain of international trade, managing disputes related to letters of credit (LC), defective goods, and cross-border supply chain issues...

Admiralty and Maritime Dispute Resolution

Admiralty and Maritime Dispute Resolution in 2025 TRW Law Firm is a distinguished leader in Admiralty and Maritime Dispute Resolution in Bangladesh. With a proven track record spanning over a decade, the firm has represented local and international clients across the...

Public Policy Practice at TRW Law Firm

Public Policy Practice at TRW Law Firm The political, regulatory, and legal landscape is evolving rapidly, bringing unprecedented challenges to businesses worldwide. TRW Law Firm stands at the forefront of public policy advocacy, guiding clients through complex...

Contempt of Court in Bangladesh

Contempt of Court in Bangladesh 2024: A Comprehensive Analysis Contempt of Court, a significant legal tool for upholding the authority and dignity of the judiciary, is critical in ensuring proper administration of justice. In Bangladesh, the concept of contempt is not...

Substantive and Interim Remedies in Bangladesh

Substantive and Interim Remedies in Bangladesh in 2023Barrister Tahmidur RahmanDirector, The Law Firm in Bangladesh24 Jan 2023 [lwptoc]In this post we talk about Substantive and Interim Remedies in Bangladesh and how you can effectively deals with prayer portion of...

Admiralty Law in Bangladesh | Everything you need to know in 2023

Admiralty Law in Bangladesh and Ship Arrest in Bangladesh in 202324 Jan 2023 Barrister Tahmidur RahmanDirector, The Law Firm in Bangladesh[lwptoc]This article will explain in details about admirlty law in Bangladesh and ship arrest procedure with details.Nature of...
Trade Mark Laws and Regulations Bangladesh

Trade Mark Laws and Regulations Bangladesh

Trade Mark Laws and Regulations Bangladesh in 2025 1. Relevant Authorities and Legislation 1.1 What is the relevant trade mark authority in Bangladesh? The Department of Patents, Designs, and Trademarks (DPDT) under the Ministry of Industries is the primary authority...

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Hire the Best Admiralty & Maritime Law Firm in Bangladesh | Best Admiralty Law Firm in Bangladesh according to recent rankings (2019).

+8801847220062 or +8801779127165

TR Barristers in Bangladesh, Level 4, Road 126, Gulshan 1 Circle, Dhaka 1212

Tahmidur Rahman TRW Shipping Law Firm in Bangladesh Services

Best Admiralty and Maritime Firm in Bangladesh

Vessel Collision & Cargo Short Landing

Ranked as the Best Shipping Cargo, Vessel Law Firm in Bangladesh. (BD Law Firms)

Ship Arrest in Bangladesh

Ranked as the Best Maritime, Ship Arrest Law Law Firm in Bangladesh.

Non Payment of Crew, Damage Done by Vessel etc.

Best Ranked Admiralty & Maritime, Ship Arrest Law Firm in Bangladesh. (Real Estate Development Dhaka)


TRW is a Trusted Law Firm in the Heart of Dhaka Bangladesh.

Fair Fees

Based on Clients Reviews we offer competitive retainer options and our trackrecords righly confirm that notion.

Fast & Responsive

We have the reputation of being Fast & Resposive, as you will have a custom made team working for your individual case.

Satisfaction Guaranteed

We take huge pride in maintaining warm connection with our clients, even after completion of our services.


Affiliated with TR Barristers in Bangladesh, A full service multi-directional law firm in Dhaka.

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